A Brand New Year

The start of a New year is special. The slate is clean & the potential is high! I hope 2017 has gotten off to a good start for you & those you love. Tomorrow at CLBC we will be joining together to Worship the Lord of Heaven & Earth! Join us for Sun School & Adult Bible Fellowships at 9:00 AM. At 10:15 we will worship together & hear a message entitled “Leaving a Legacy in 2017.” During the Evening Service at 6:00 we will look at the book of Hebrews & learn how we can “Live by Faith” in the New Year. Choir practice will be held at 5:00 PM. Hope to see everyone at Church tomorrow. It may be COLD outside, but our hearts will be WARM as we Worship, Serve & Fellowship together!


Prayer Requests

Although the year is still young we have much to Pray about. Former CLBC member Dora Clark was in a serious accident this past week & is in the Hospital. Please keep her in your prayers. Jim Carr is battling Parkinson’s Disease & is awaiting results of a biopsy. Missionary Bill Branks father recently passed away. Please keep he & Tamra in your prayers. There are many others on our Prayer List including Allison Efaw, Bert Flanagan, Jimmy Landers, Donna Legg & John Shalhoub with Cancer. Continue to pray for others with serious health concerns including Arnold Shamblin, Terry Snow, Beth Buckley, Ann Neidlinger & Nancy Young.We are grateful for answered Prayer for Roger Nancarrow who is doing well after his heart surgery in december.


2017 Theme

Next Sunday Morning, January 15th, we will be announcing our Theme for the New Year during the Morning Worship Service. Please plan to join us for this important service.


2016 Christmas Offering

A special Thank You to everyone who participated in our recent Christmas Offering. As of today we are very close to hitting our goal of $20,000. (still need @ $1,400) We will continue to receive gifts toward this Offering in January. Continue to Pray that we will completely meet our goal for Global missions very soon.