November Emphasis

On Thursday, Nov 24th our Nation will celebrate Thanksgiving. At CLBC we want to stretch this holiday into an entire month. Each week we will be emphasizing the spirit of Gratitude in different ways. Join us each Sunday as we gather together for a SEASON OF THANKSGIVING!



Join us at 6:45 PM for AWANA & Youth Group in Fellowship Hall. The Adults will meet at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for Chris Gardners need for a car. Chris is the student from Appalachian Bible College who worked with our Youth Group last year & who started working with out Teens again this year until his car broke down. After trying to get it fixed properly by 3 different mechanics, over several weeks, he was told yesterday that the car can’t be fixed.  Chris now has no reliable transportation & doesn’t have the funds to buy a new car. IF YOU KNOW OF ANYONE WHO HAS A VEHICLE AVAILABLE FOR CHRIS TO USE FOR AWHILE – PLEASE LET ME KNOW! Also, please pray for our Youth Ministry as we seek to work thru these unexpected & discouraging challenges.

Pray for those with physical needs including Bill Branks father (dementia), my mother (stroke), Allison Efaw, Rion Foster, Janet Gondak, Ed Lanham, Jimmy Landers, Donna Legg & John Shalhoub (all with cancer), Becky Rice (eyes), Ann Neidlinger & Nancy Young (health needs) & the others listed in the Prayer Bulletin. Pray for those with spiritual, emotional, financial & family needs.

Pray for the national election next Tuesday.



Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour when you go to bed this Saturday night. (FALL BACK)

Plan to be involved in your Deacon Flock fellowship on Sunday, Nov 13th. Info is in the Bulletin & your Deacon should also be in contact with you.


Embrace the Cross in 2016