Jesus Our All in All

After all the cold, snow & ice we’ve experienced lately it is indeed good news to hear that the temperature tomorrow is supposed to hit 55 degrees! Let’s all jump in the car tomorrow & come out to Cross Lanes Bible Church for a wonderful day of Worship, Fellowship & Ministry together. During the 10:15 AM Worship Service we will begin a new Preaching Series entitled “JESUS OUR ALL IN ALL.” Join us as we study the book of COLOSSIANS together. Sun School & Adult Bible Fellowships will be held at 9:00 AM & the Evening Service at 6:00 PM. There will also be Choir Practice at 4:45 PM.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for Wayne Whittington who was admitted to the hospital on Friday. Pray that the Doctors would have wisdom is treating him. Consult your Bulletin tomorrow for the names of several other people with medical needs at this time. Pray for our President & Government leaders. Pray that the Government shut down would have a wise resolution. Pray for the blessings of God upon CLBC in this new year.