Concert Tomorrow Evening

The Appalachian Bible College Chorale will be performing a Sacred Concert tomorrow evening at 7:00 PM at Cross Lanes Bible Church. The Concert is entitled “TO LIVE IS CHRIST” and celebrates in music the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. This is an event the entire family can enjoy. Come & invite friends & family to attend with you.


Missions Conference 2017

Don’t miss out on our special missions Conference events this weekend

**Sat at 8:00 AM – Men’s Missions Breakfast at Golden Corral

**SUNDAY – Rev John Hutcheson & Dr & Mrs Steven Chmil ministering throughout the day.

Missions Conference will continue the following weekend (Mar 19 & 20) with Rev & Mrs Ken Kirkland & Rev & Mrs Bill Branks ministering.


Bow the Knee – Bless the Nations!