Christian Drama

Tonight at Cross Lanes Bible Church we are happy to welcome the Academy of Arts Drama team. The play this evening is called “The night becomes Day” & is the true story of the great christian leader George Muller. Bring the entire family & join us at 7:00 PM for this special presentation. There will not be Kid’s Quest this evening, so that all of our children & teens can see the Drama.


This Sunday, July 26th we will meet as usual for Sun School at 9:00 AM, Worship at 10:15 AM & the Evening Service at 6:00 PM. In the Morning Worship Service we will be in Acts 27 with a sermon entitled “The Storms & Shipwrecks of Life.” All of us face storms in our lives. on Sunday we will see how Paul survived & even thrived in such difficult circumstances. Communion will be the focus of our Sun Evening Service.


There are always ample opportunities to pray at CLBC. Please remember Tim Appleton & family as he battles cancer. Pray for Pat Johnson as she is also going thru cancer treatments at this time. Pray that she would be able to get her treatment this Mon & that the cancer would continue to shrink in her body. Also keep others with physical needs in your prayers including Ivan Gillispie, Ann Neidlinger, Linda Smith & others on the CLBC Prayer list.


This Sunday is the last in our Fiscal year which ends July 31st. Please Pray for a strong Offering for both our General Fund & Missions Fund as we close out the year. Come prepared to Worship the Lord thru your tithes & offerings this Sunday. If you can’t be here you can drop your offering off at the Church office by Fri, July 31st or give Online at Thank you for faithfully supporting your Church financially!