A Christmas Invitation

Christmas is a wonderful time to invite Family & Friends to hear the true story of Christmas. At CLBC we are about so much more than Santa & his reindeer. We are all about Christ & His Gospel! Over the next 2 weeks there will be opportunities to bring people to our Church to hear the Good News of Christmas. Here are 3 special services to invite others to attend with you at CLBC.

**CLBC CHRISTMAS CONCERT – This Sunday, Dec 17th, at 10:15 AM our Church Choir will be presenting “The Word is Alive!” This beautiful musical will paint the picture of Christmas for all of us. Along with the stirring music & readings, the Gospel will be clearly & lovingly shared.

**CHRISTMAS CANDLELIGHT COMMUNION – This Sunday, Dec 17th, at 6:00 PM. During this special service we will be singing Christmas Carols, reading the Christmas Story together & focusing on the Lord’s Table. Although primarily a Worship Service for Believers the Gospel will be presented in the service.

**CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE – On Sunday, Dec 24th, at 10:00 AM (note time change). This Candlelight Family Service will be a special way for you & your family to celebrate together & keep Christ first at Christmas. We will sing Christmas Carols & read the Christmas story together. The sermon will focus on the coming of Christ to the manger in Bethlehem & His EXTRAVAGANT LOVE for us!

These Services are ready made opportunities to expose people to the Gospel. Please Prayerfully….Lovingly…..and Boldly…….. invite Family, Friends & Acquaintances to come with you to CLBC during the Christmas Season.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for those on our Prayer List with special needs including Beth Buckley (pneumonia), Jim Hale (upcoming surgery), Julie Hamilton, Karen higginbotham (heart), Rae Lanham (knee surgery tomorrow), Daniel Mwinzi (cancer),Wayne Whittington, Victor Wise & Ann Neidlinger (medical needs). Pray for the Church Christmas Concert on Sunday & our Christmas Offering.


Christmas Offering Update

As of today we have received $5600 in our 2017 Christmas Offering for Missions. We have a long way to go before we hit our goal of $20,000 by Dec 31st. GOD IS ABLE! Please pray about this need & give joyfully & generously to the Lord, your Church & our Missionaries at Christmas!


Bow the Knee in 2017