Tomorrow at CLBC

Join us tomorrow at CLBC as we hold our Annual Meeting as part of our Sunday Morning Worship together. The Service preliminaries (singing, announcements etc) will be shortened to save time & my message is entitled “Revisiting our Theme: Bow the Knee in 2017”. After the Sermon all CLBC members will be asked to stay as we rejoice in the Lord’s blessings this past year & look ahead to the Fiscal year in front of us. During the 6:00 PM Service Pastor Jon Brokke will be speaking. Sun School & Adult Bible Fellowships will be held at 9:00 AM & Choir practice at 7:15 PM.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for our Nation at this time. Pray that God would work in our midst & bring Revival to our Land. Pray for our President, Congress, the Supreme Court, our State & local officials. Pray for our Police, Fire Fighters & First Responders. Pray for those serving around the Globe in the US Military. Please Pray for the many listed on our Church Prayer List (consult your Bulletin tomorrow). Pray for God to do a great work in & through Cross Lanes Bible Church in the days ahead!


Bow the Knee in 2017