Worship Together

Tomorrow God’s people gather once again to Worship the Living Christ at Cross Lanes Bible Church!.


During the morning Worship Service at 10:15 we will be continuing our study of the Beatitudes with a message entitled “Happiness is Peacemaking.” In a world filled with war & unrest we must not only find genuine peace in our own lives, but we must also function as Peacemakers. Come tomorrow & find out how! Sunday School will be at 9:00AM & at 6:00 PM we will gather again to celebrate Communion. Summer choir practice will be at 7:15.


Business Meeting

I am grateful for a good & positive Annual Meeting last Sunday. The General Fund, Missions & Capital Budgets were all approved, as well as the changes to the Constitution. Ivan Gillispie, Carlin Kendrick, Dale Nichols & Matt Williamson were elected as Deacons to a 3 year term.


Prayer Requests

Please Pray for my son Jeremy who is currently leading a 58ten missions team of 14 people in Kenya. Also pray for my daughter Holly who is a part of the team. Pray for good health, safety & fruitfulness as these folks minister in this very needy place. Pray for Mrs Boyd & Mrs Willis as they lead Bright Beginnings preschool again this year. Classes start Monday. Pray for CLCS Administrator Eddie Riley as he battles Kidney Stones. Pray for the following with physical needs – Debbie Barker (knee), Beth Buckley (stroke), Allison Efaw (cancer), Donna Legg (cancer), Becky Rice (cancer), Ann Niedlinger (health), Nancy Young (health) and several others listed in the Prayer Bulletin. Pray for the Lord to bless Cross Lanes Bible Church with much Fruit in this new ministry year!


Embrace the Cross in 2016