Tomorrow Evening

Join us Wednesday at 7:00 PM to hear our Awana Missionary Jim Alexander speak. Rev Alexander is a veteran missionary who represents AWANA in the state of West Virginia. He will be sharing his own testimony as a missionary & will also be challenging us concerning using Awana to reach out to the youth of our community. I encourage everyone to join us tomorrow evening, but especially those who will be serving in Awana this year.


Back to School Sunday

This Sunday, August 14th is BACK TO SCHOOL SUNDAY! Every student will receive a backpack, every school employee a special gift, and all of us will receive an apple as a reminder to pray for students & staff this year. I will also be praying a special back to school prayer on behalf of teachers & students.


Jamaican Pastor at CLBC

Also this Sunday, Pastor Andrew & his wife Tanesha will be our special guests at CLBC. Pastor Andrew is the pastor of Bay Life Baptist Church in Jamaica. He will be sharing testimony of the Lord’s blessing upon the ministry in Jamaica & also preaching God’s Word. Come out & give these servants of God a warm welcome to America, WV & CLBC at 6:00 PM this Sunday. Our missionaries to Jamaica,  Cletis & Tammy Titus will also be with us in the service.(Kay Ghareeb recently returned from a missions trip to Jamaica & had the priviledge to serve with all of these good people!)


Prayer requests

Please continue to pray for my mother, Beth Buckley, who is recovering from a stroke & also that my eyes would totally heal from recent laser surgery. Pray for the following with physical needs: Debbie Barker (knee), Allison Efaw (cancer), Janet Gondak (cancer), Mae Harless (health), Donna Legg (cancer),Becky Rice (eyes), Debbie Rusin (broken leg),Linda Smith (vertigo), Janice Tyler (upcoming surgery), Ann Neidlinger (health), Nancy Young (health) and others on the Prayer List. Pray for the staff & students of CLCS & other area schools as the new year begins.


Embrace the Cross in 2016