BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY is tomorrow at Cross Lanes Bible Church

Have you invited someone to come with you to CLBC tomorrow morning? If not, you still have time! Give someone you’ve never seen at our Church, or perhaps has not attended in awhile, a call & invite them to be your guest. The 10:45 service will be a blessing as we worship the Lord together & study His Word. My message comes from Acts 9: 1-9 & is entitled “The Blinding Light.” It is about the power of the Gospel to capture our hearts & change our lives. Sunday School will be at 9:00 AM & the Evening Service at 6:00 PM with a continuation of the series “I Am a Church Member.” Choir practice will follow at 7:15 PM.



Please continue to uphold little Jaday Robinson who is in the hospital in Huntington, Ann Neidlinger with health concerns, Tim Appleton with cancer & the others on our weekly Prayer list. Pray for those from our congregation serving our country in the military [a full list is in tomorrows bulletin] and that the Lord would bless the ministries of CLBC in a powerful way & supply all our needs.


See you tomorrow at CLBC for BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY!