Praise The Lord!

This past weekend was such a blessing as we welcomed Dr Paul Seger & Jeremy Buckley to MARCH FOR MISSIONS at CLBC! The Leadership Dinner on Sat Evening, the Services on Sunday, the Meet & Greet & the Chapels at CLCS on Monday all served to both inform & inspire us concerning Global Missions. Our annual Missions emphasis has gotten off to a great start!

Coming Up

MARCH FOR MISSIONS continues this coming weekend as we welcome Missionaries Cletis & Tammy Titus (Jamaica), Mel & Jan Wingrove (EMU field rep), Rose Harrison (Kentucky) & the Johnson’s (Kenya).  The weekend will begin with the MEN’S MISSIONS BREAKFAST at Golden Corral at 8:00 AM. (Tickets will be available Wed evening at Church or at the door Sat AM). The Conference will continue Sunday during Sun School at  9:00 AM, Morning Worship at 10:15 AM & the Evening Service at 6:00 PM. Like last week there will be a Meet & Greet with our Missionaries following the Evening Service & Chapels at CLCS on Monday morning.

Wednesday Evenings

We will also continue to emphasize missions on Wed nights for the next two weeks. Tomorrow evening the adults will be holding a MISSIONS PRAYER ADVANCE in the Sanctuary at 7:00 PM. We will spend the hour praying for every missionary we support at CLBC. On Wed, March 16th, our own Missionaries Gary & Pat Johnson will be challenging us about the field of Kenya. AWANA & Teens will meet both weeks at 6:45 PM in Fellowship Hall & will be ministered to by the Johnsons at the beginning of club time next Wed.


Kim Newman asked me to convey to our Church family her appreciation for all the prayers that have been said on her behalf since John died in Saudi Arabia several weeks ago. She is still not certain when she will return to the USA, but says things are coming along well although slowly. An announcement about a Memorial Service here at a later date will be made when the details & timing are confirmed. Please continue to keep Kim & her family in your prayers.

Continue to pray for others listed in our Church Prayer Bulletin including Pastor Dan Berger (recovering at home), Tamra Branks (broken leg), Sandi Bircher (health), Landon Boggess (hospital), Ann Neidlinger (health), Becky Rice (eye surgery), Nancy Young (health) & others. Consult your Sun & Wed bulletins for others on the list including our Care Ministry & Military & Law Enforcement Office

Embrace the Cross – Engage in Missions!  (Luke 9:23)