The Need for Prayer is Great!

Last Sunday Evening at Church we examined 1 Timothy 2:1 together. The verse says “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men.” The term “supplications” is an interesting word. It literally means ” A prayer that flows from a deep sense of need.” If there was ever a need for prayer it is today. Our world….nation…..churches…..families…..and individual lives seem to be fraying & falling apart at the seams. We surely have a great need for the touch of Heaven! So, let’s take up our theme for 2017 & BOW THE KNEE together that God might heal our Land & do some great & mighty things in our midst.

Some important prayer requests include those impacted by the brutal & senseless murder of 59 people in Las Vegas & the more than 500 wounded by the gun fire. Pray for grace & comfort for Marlin Longenecker & June. His brother Harold died Sunday in PA after a serious accident on his farm in July. Pray for Marsha Meyers on the recent death of her father. Pray for those listed in our Prayer Bulletin with medical needs including Beth Buckley (stroke), Jeanne Buckley (foot), Jim Carr, Ann Neidlinger, JR Smith, Arnold Shamblin (all with serious health issues), Katie Cobb, Nancy Jobb, Bill Morton, Daniel Mwinzi, Becca Wiebe (all with cancer), Karen Higginbotham (heart) & others . Pray for those in our flock with spiritual, emotional, financial, relational needs & unspoken requests. Pray for FRIEND DAY on Sun, October 22nd & the EXCHANGE SEMINAR in November.


Wed Evening

Bring the entire family tomorrow night to CLBC. AWANA & Youth group will meet at 6:45 PM. Adults will meet at 7:00 PM to pray & to hear from Missionary Yawo (Togo).



Congratulations to Mike & Lauren Monk & Mike & Debbie Cumberledge on the birth of a new granddaughter, Cameron “Cammy” Michelle Cumberlege, in Charleston, SC. The proud parents are Steven & Katie Cumberledge.


Bow the Knee in 2017