A Special Sunday

This Sunday, July 2nd, we will honor America at CLBC. During the morning service, at 10:15, we will strive to honor our God & our Country as we open the Bible & sing praises to the Lord. I would encourage everyone to wear Red, White & Blue to honor America if you can. Immediately following the Worship Service there will be a Family Picnic at the Church. Please bring a main dish & a side dish to pass. There will not be Sun School, Choir practice, or an Evening Service this Sunday.


A New Grandbaby

Jeanne & I are rejoicing in the birth of Emerson (Emmie) Ruth Buckley this past Tuesday, June 27th!!! Our son Jason & Ashley are the proud parents & Big sister Mallory & Big brother Liam are excited to welcome baby Emmie to the family. Thank you for your prayers & well wishes on this wonderful addition. We are now blessed with 5 incredible Grandchildren. God is Good!


Pray & Give

We are making progress on our Goal to meet budget in our General Fund by July 31st, but we still have some ground to make up in over the next month. Please continue to pray & to give joyfully & generously!


Bow the Knee in 2017