Christmas Services – December 21st
Christmas Worship at 10:15 AM – The Adult Choir will be presenting Christmas Alleluia. This combination of Christmas songs, readings & scripture will bless & encourage all who attend. We will also be looking at the Christmas story from the perspective of the Shepherds in Luke 2. Come & invite others to come with you Sunday morning.
Christmas Candlelight Communion at 6:00 PM – This is always a special service for the CLBC family. Come & be blessed by the singing of Carols, the reading of the Christmas story & partaking of the Bread & the Cup together.
Christmas Offering
This year our goal is to raise $22,000 for our Christmas Offering to be divided between Global Missions & the CLBC Capitol Project Fund. These funds are greatly needed to keep up with full support of our missionaries & to properly care for our facilities & grounds. One project we are eager to start in the Spring is the fixing & repaving of our Parking Lot. At this point we have received $2,657 toward the offering. Although we have a long way to go to hit our goal I am asking everyone to please pray & come prepared to give this Sunday. Let’s continue to trust God to help us hit our goal by Dec 31st.
Christmas Ministry
The flock at CLBC ministers in many ways during the Christmas season. One of the ways we help others is by partnering with the Union Mission to distribute food to needy families. Come & be blessed by helping others this Sat, Dec 20th. There will be a breakfast for workers in Fellowship Hall at 8:00 AM, followed by a service in the auditorium at 9:00 AM. At the end of the service we will load up vehicles with boxes of food. There are many ways you can help this Sat at the Food Distribution.
Let Us Worship & Serve The Christ Of Christmas Together At Cross Lanes Bible Church!