Dear CLBC Family,

As your Pastor I want to briefly communicate to you about the decision that has been made concerning the services and ministries of CLBC as we face the Coronavirus pandemic.  I want you to know that your health and safety is very important to us!  We will be evaluating our response on a weekly basis, but for tomorrow and next week the following has been decided after consultation with medical experts, other churches,  our deacon board and much prayer.

1 Tomorrow the only service that will be held is the morning worship service at 10:15 a.m. Sunday School, the evening service and choir practice will be cancelled.

2 All scheduled church events for the week of March 16-21st will also be cancelled.  This includes Women’s Bible Studies, Adult Prayer Meeting, AWANA and Youth Group on Wednesday evenings and Men’s Wallbuilders.

In order to keep everyone as safe as possible during our worship service tomorrow we will be instituting the following measures:

1 Hand Sanitizers will be placed around the building.

2 We will discontinue our tradition of shaking hands during fellowship time.

3 We won’t pass the offering plate during the service.  Instead place your tithes and offerings in the offering boxes at church.

4 All songs will be put on the screen so you won’t need to share a hymn book.

5 The choir will be cancelled so members won’t need to stand in close contact to  each other when they sing.

Please note:

If you are currently sick or have serious underlying health problems you are encouraged to stay home tomorrow so you don’t risk getting infected or infecting others.  You can listen to the service by going to our website at   Sermons are posted on line by noon on Sunday.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we try to deal with this health crisis in a wise and prudent way.  My love and prayers are with all of you!          Pastor Dave Buckley