Mid-Week Events

Awana & Youth group will gather tonight at 6:45 in Fellowship Hall. The adults will gather for Bible study & Prayer in the Auditorium at 7:00.

Jolly Seniors will meet tomorrow at 11:00 AM at the CLCS Gymnasium.

Wallbuilders will meet for the 1st time since Christmas this Sat, Jan 14th at 8:30 AM.


This Sunday

This coming Sunday during the Morning Worship Service at 10:15 we will be announcing our new Theme for 2017! There will be Banners hung in the auditorium & the Sermon will revolve around the new Theme.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for Sam Lanham who had a heart catherization this morning & received 2 stents. Pray for missionary Ted Cripe who is recovering from a Stroke. Pray for the family of Dora Clark. Pray for the many on our Church Prayer List including Jim Carr (health/test results), Katie Cobb, Bert Flanagan, Jimmy Landers, Donna Legg & John Shaloub all battling cancer. Pray for others with serious physical needs including Beth Buckley, Jim Mcl;ane, Roger Nancarrow, Arnold Shamblin, Terry Stone, Ann Niedlinger & Nancy Young. Pray for President Donald Trump as he takes office next week.