Thank You

A big Thank you to the Deacons & their wives for hosting the Deacon Flock Luncheon this past Sunday. The food was delicious & the fellowship was sweet. I appreciate the good ministry that our Deacons have at CLBC.


Weekly Calendar

**Tonight – Faith Circle meets @ 6:00 PM (Buckley’s)

**Wed – Mid-week events: Awana & Youth (6:45) & Adult Bible Study & Prayer (7:00)

**Thurs – Jolly Seniors at 11:00 AM

**Thurs – Marriage Builders Dinner at Rocas Mexican Grill (6:00 PM)

**Sat – Wallbuilders at 8:30 AM



Please pray for Beth Buckley, Cathy Heijermans & Ted Cripe (stroke recovery).Jim Carr, Katie Cobb, Donna Legg, Betsey Palmer, John Shalhoub & Stevie Vetter (cancer).Hilda Jividen, Jim Mclane, Ann Neidlinger, Arnold Shamblin,Terry Stone & Nancy Young (health concerns). Pray for our missionaries of the week Curt & Barb Waite & our Serviceman of the week Major Michael Guthrie.


Bow the Knee in 2017