Wednesday Evening

Join us for a brand new Bible teaching series tomorrow at 7:00 PM entitled “Written in Stone: The Ten Commandments.” All adults are invited to join us as we examine these ancient commands in light of our modern culture. AWANA & Youth Group will be meeting at 6:45 PM.


Prayer Requests

Pray for the people being bombarded by Hurricane Harvey in Texas. Pray for Daad Hourani following the recent death of her father. Pray for Debbie Barker who had knee replacement surgery this morning. Pray for those listed in the Prayer Bulletin with serious health concerns including Beth Buckley,Katie Cobb, Julie Hamilton, Dencil Rollins, Karen Higginbotham, Harold Longenecker, Bill Morton, Linda Miller, Rose Landers, Jimmy Landers, Donna Legg and others. Pray for our Nation, State & Church.


Bow the Knee in 2017