Wed Evening

Tomorrow night there is something for everyone at CLBC! The adults will continue our study “Written in stone: The 10 Commandments” at 7:00 PM. AWANA & Youth Group will meet at 6:45 PM. The Deacons will meet at 8:15 PM.


Upcoming Events

**Sat, Sept 23rd – Homecoming events at CLCS

**Sun, Sept 24th – Choir Fundraiser Luncheon immediately following the Morning Service. This is to help 7 members of our choir go to NYC Thanksgiving weekend to participate in a Christmas Concert with other members of Church choirs from around the nation.

**Sunday, Oct 1st – Life Chain

**Sat, Oct 7th – Wallbuilders begins at 8:30 AM.


Prayer Needs

Please pray for my wife Jeanne who fell & broke her foot last week & will possibly need surgery soon. Pray for those listed in the Prayer Bulletin including Beth Buckley (stroke), Katie Cobb, Linda Miller, Bill Morton, Daniel Mwinzi, Jimmy Landers, Rose Landers & Donna Legg (all battling cancer). Pray for Julie Hamilton, Harold Longenecker, Glen Nida, Ken McCale, Arnold Shamblin & Ann Neidlinger (all with serious health needs). Pray for those impacted by the recent Hurricanes that hit the Gulf Coast & East Coast of the USA & for our missionaries in the Carribean affected by the storms. Pray for President Trump & those in leadership in our Country & State. Pray for much Fruit & Blessing at CLBC.


Bow the Knee in 2017