With the Lord

Please pray for Marsha Myers & family. Her father, Glenn Nida, died this past Sunday.The Funeral service will be held on Wed, Sept 27 at 2 PM at Fountain of Life Worship Center of Foster.


Wed Events

Tomorrow evening we will be continuing our study entitled “Written in Stone: The 10 Commandments”  at 7 PM in the Sanctuary. AWANA & Youth Group will gather at 6:45 PM.


Prayer Requests

There are many people connected with our Church who need our prayers at this time. A list of names is handed out every Sun & Wed in our Bulletins so you have a handy prayer reminder. Although not a complete list here are some of the folks who need our prayers – Beth Buckley, Jim Carr, Julie Hamilton, Harold Longenecker,  Ann Neidlinger, Arnold Shamblin, JR Smith (each with serious health concerns), Jeanne Buckley (foot),. Debbie Barker (knee), Katie Cobb, Linda Miller, Daniel Mwinzi, Bill Morton (each with cancer). Pray for America during a time of unrest & disunity. Pray for God’s presence in our Church as we worship & serve the Lord together.


Special Events

**Ark Trip – Oct 19th

**FRIEND DAY – Oct 22nd

**The Exchange Seminar – Nov 4th-7th


Bow the Knee in 2017