Praise the Lord

I am so grateful for Friend Day this past Sunday! I appreciate everyone who made it a priority to be at the service & also those who invited & brought Friends with them. The music was a blessing, the Luncheon delicious, the spirit sweet & the opportunity to share the Gospel was wonderful. Please Pray that the Holy Spirit will use the Gospel message to transform the lives of those who heard it.  Let’s try to think of every Sunday as an opportunity to bring our friends with us to CLBC to hear about Jesus.


It’s Coming!

The EXCHANGE SEMINAR will be here before we know it! From Saturday Nov 4th thru Tuesday, Nov 7th we will be hosting this excellent 12 hour relational evangelism & discipleship training. The cost is only $20 & includes lots of helpful materials. If you are not yet registered, please do so by this Sunday. Let’s join together to impact our world with the Gospel!


Prayer Needs

Please pray for Sue Whittington & family on the recent death of her sister, Donna Legg. Pray for Pat Johnson’s nephew, Jeremiah Naylor, who accidentally shot himself in the head this past Saturday. After surgery he is doing better, but has a long road to recovery. Pray for others listed in the Prayer Bulletin including Nancy Jobb, Linda Miller, Bill Morton, Daniel Mwinzi, Becca Wiebe, Jimmy Landers, Rose Landers (all with cancer), Jeanne Buckley (broken foot), Courtney Kendrick (injured knee) and Debbie Barker, Beth Buckley, Jim Carr, Julie Hamilton, Arnold Shamblin, Linda Smith, JR Smith, Ann Niedlinger (all with health concerns). Pray for the EXCHANGE SEMINAR coming up in 2 weeks.


Wed Evening

Wed night is a refreshing time at CLBC. Bring the whole family as we grow in God’s Word together. AWANA & Youth Group meet at 6:45 PM. The adults will gather at 7:00 PM to continue our study of the 10 Commandments together.


Bow the Knee in 2017