Snow Forecast

It’s January & that means we will get snow from time to time here in West Virginia. Light snow is forecast for today. (Wed, Jan 20th) From what we know right now it should not affect services & events this evening at Cross Lanes Bible Church. We are planning to have Awana & youth group tonight at 6:45 & Adult Bible study & Prayer at 7:00. The Deacons will meet for our regular meeting at 8:15. If this changes we will send a ONECALL phone message with new info to everyone in the CLBC phone bank.

The forecast for this weekend is much more onimous. Right now weather forecasters are calling for a major snowstorm to hit our area on Friday & Saturday. We could experience deep snow & dangerous road conditions. If that occurs it could affect Wallbuilder’s on Saturday and also our services this Sunday, January 24th. If we need to contact our Church family regarding service cancellations or adjustments, it will primarily take place thru our ONECALL phone services. If you are not already in our ONECALL phone bank, please contact the Church Office so we can get you signed up. (304) 776-1619. Hopefully we will be able to gather together for all 3 services this Sunday ( Sun School, Morning Worship & Evening Service ), but if we are unable to do so, or if changes must be made, we want to get the Info out to everyone.


Please pray for protection & safety for one another as we face the possibility of a dangerous snow storm. Pray for several who are recovering from recent surgeries and/or hospital stays. These include Jeanne Clark, Ben Klennert, Joyce Knadler, Ron Miller & Wayne Whittington. Pray for others with medical needs including Pat Johnson, Ann Neidlinger, Becky Rice & Nancy Young. (There are also others listed on the Prayer sheets in your Sun & Wed bulletins). Please continue to keep the Boyd’s & Craigo’s in your prayers as they have recently lost loved ones. Pray for the various ministries of CLBC as we seek to impact our community & world with the Gospel in 2016. Also pray for Lillie Dudley, who is our care ministry person of the week & Gary & Ann Layne, who are our missionaries of the week.

Embrace the Cross in 2016