Wed Events

There’s something for everyone tonight at CLBC. AWANA & Youth Group will meet at 6:45 PM. The Adults will join together for Bible Study & Prayer at 7:00 PM.


Deacon Flock Luncheon

Everyone is invited to the Deacon Flock Luncheon this Sunday immediately following the morning service. All food & utensils etc. will be provided, but anyone wanting to bring a dessert to share is welcomed to do so. Hope to see you Sunday morning for Church & also for food & fellowship afterwards together.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for Jim Carr (hospital-Pneumonia) & Darrell Ballard (also in the hospital). Also, pray for the following with health needs including John Friend, Jim Hale, Daniel Mwinzi (each with cancer), Karen Higgginbtham & Linda Robinson (heart issues), Julie Hamilton, Ann Neidlinger & Wayne Whittington (physical needs) and others listed in the Prayer Bulletin.