
This evening the Church family will gather for Spiritual refreshment in the middle of the week. AWANA & Youth Group will meet at 6:45 PM. Adults will join together in the auditorium at 7:00 PM to begin a new Bible study “Spiritually Tough!”



Just before sitting at my computer to write this Blog i got word that Evangelist Billy Graham had died at 99 years of age. Rev Graham impacted millions with the Gospel & influenced many Presidents & world leaders over his lifetime. Pray for his family at this time. Also, pray for those listed in the Prayer Bulletin including Darrell Ballard (cancer), Jeanne Clark (upcoming surgery). Ken Jenkins (cancer), Linda Robinson (heart), Kathy Ghareeb Scarberry (pregnancy complications), Anne Neidlinger (health needs) & others. Continue to pray for Gail Fisher (mother) & Rae Lanham (brother in law)  on the recent deaths of loved ones.


Men’s Mission Breakfast

The men’s Missions Prayer Breakfast will be held on Sat, March 10th, at 8:00 AM, at Golden Corral. Tickets are $8 for adults & $5 for those 12 & under. All men & boys are welcomed!