
Please keep Bethany & Jeremy Willis in your Prayers. Bethany’s grandfather, Leroy Bane, went to be with the Lord on Sunday. His funeral service will be held at 1:00 on Wednesday, Feb 10th at Raynes funeral home in Eleanor. Also, Missionary Donna Heijermans went home to Heaven yesterday after a battle with Cancer. Pray for the family & also for the missions team in Ottawa who will greatly miss her.

Wed Events

Wednesday’s are a busy day at CLBC. Tomorrow evening at 6:45 AWANA & Youth Group will meet in Fellowship Hall for an evening of fun & spiritual discipleship. At 7:00 the adults will gather for a continuing study of “The names of God” in Scripture & unified prayer together.


The Church family will be gathering this Sunday to Worship & Serve our great God together. Sun School & Adult Bible Fellowships will be held at 9:00 AM. During our Worship Service at 10:15 AM we will be celebrating Communion together. In the Evening Service at 6:00 PM we will continue viewing the excellent DVD series, Agents of the Apocalypse, with Dr David Jeremiah. Choir rehearsal will take place at 5:00 PM.


There are so many folks with prayer needs right now. Please pray for the following with physical needs: Renee Bennett, Missionary Tamra Branks, Missionary Gary Layne, Jeanne Clark, Wayne Whittington, Becky Rice, Ann Neidlinger & Nancy Young. Please remember all who serve us in the military & as police, firefighters & first responders. Pray for the hand of God upon CLBC as we seek to “Embrace the Cross in 2016!” If you would like additional prayer updates throughout the week please sign up on the church bulletin board.