Wed Gathering

The whole family is invited to CLBC tomorrow night at 7:00 PM. The adults will continue to view the Focus on the Family DVD series ” A Clash of Kingdoms.” This weeks video is entitled “The Powers of Darkness.” We will also provide nurseries & child care.


Prayer Requests

Pray for Rae Lanham, Edie Nancarrow & Jennifer Petry as they minister in Jamaica with the “Sew very Loved” team. Pray for Gary & Pat Johnson as they lead a SOME team to Kenya next week.

Pray for the following with medical needs: Darrell Ballard (Healthsouth), Lodema Hale (Valley Health Center), Jeff Knadler (heart), Lance (Laynes grandson-Juvinile Arthritis),Richard McNiel (Cleveland Clinic), Eddie Riley (tumor), Milissa Riley (surgery 7/13), Ann Neidlinger (health) and others listed in the Prayer Bulletin.

Pray for the year end giving to the General Fund

Pray for God’s direction & provision for our Youth & Children’s Ministry.