Wed Night

Tomorrow evening AWANA will meet at 6:45 & the Adults will gather to continue our Bible study entitled “Majoring on the Minors” & to pray together at 7:00.


Upcoming Events

**Thur (8:30 AM) – The Histimers are going to The Wilds Safari in Cumberland, Ohio.

**Sat – Cross Lanes Christian School will be holding homecoming Festivities

**Mon, Sept 24th (9:30 AM) – The Ladies Morning Bible Study begins.

**Sat, Sept 29th (8:30 AM) Men’s Wallbuilders gathering begins

**Sun, Oct 7th – SPECIAL SPEAKERS – Jim Efaw will preach at 10:15 AM (former CLBC Pastor) and Steve Pettit will preach & bring a musical group with him at 6:00 PM.  (President of BJU)

REMINDER: Our FRESH GROWTH CONFERENCE with the Ben Everson family will be Oct 20th – 24th. The Conference includes a Church Wide Prayer Breakfast on Saturday. FRIEND DAY 2018 on Sunday & Special Services Mon – Wed of that week. Begin now to Pray….Attend….and invite your Friends to this wonderful conference at CLBC.

Prayer Needs

Please pray for the special events listed above. Pray for those affected by Hurricane Florence. Pray for the sick including Darrell Ballard (cancer), Ken Jenkins (cancer), Chuck Klennert (surgery recovery), Bonnie Leithman’s sister Susan (hospital in PA), Ann Niedlinger (eyes & medical issues) & others listed in the Prayer Bulletin.Pray for our Nation, our President & our elected leaders.