This Week

**Wednesday – AWANA at 6:45 PM. Adult Bible Study & Prayer at 7:00 PM.

**Saturday – WALLBUILDERS at 8:30 AM.

**Sunday – Sun School at 9:00 AM, Worship at 10:15 AM & Communion Service at 6:00 PM


Prayer Requests

Please pray for Rob & Jennifer Petry & their family. Rob’s father died unexpectedly this past Saturday. Pray for those with medical needs including Darrell Ballard (cancer), Ashley Boggess (surgery), Ken Jenkins (cancer), Ann Neidlinger & others listed in the Prayer Bulletin.

Please pray for the events of October at CLBC.

**Sun, Oct 7th – Guest Speakers Jim Efaw at 10:15 AM & Steve Pettit & musical group at 6:00 PM.

**Sat, Oct 13th – Take it to the Streets (outreach at 10:00 AM)

**Sat, Oct 20th – CLBC Prayer Breakfast at Golden Corral at 8:30 AM

**Sun, Oct 21st – FRIEND DAY 2018

**Mon – Wed, Oct 22nd-24th – Fresh Growth Conference with Ben Everson (7:00 PM nightly)

Let’s Pray….Attend….Bring a Friend….to these special events!

Let’s…….BE THE CHURCH!!!