Special Request

Debbie Cumberledge had surgery today on her broken arm. Please pray that the procedure will be successful & that her recovery will go well.


Wed Events

Tomorrow night our Teens will be going to the SKY ZONE in Charleston. All Teens should meet at the Church at 6:00 PM & bring $10. Invite friends to this special event. AWANA will meet at 6:45 in Fellowship Hall. If you have children or grandchildren, or if their are children living near you in your neighborhood invite them to CLBC for our Wed night children’s program. The Adults will continue our study of the minor Prophets at 7:00 in the auditorium.


Other Prayer Requests

In addition to Debbie Cumberledge please pray for Amy Craigo White (upcoming surgery), Josh Good (motorcycle accident), Ken Jenkins (cancer), Casey Stribling (upcoming procedure), Ann Neidlinger (health needs) and others listed in the Prayer Bulletin. Pray for our President, Congress, Supreme Court, State & local leaders. Pray for a mighty moving of God in America & around the world.


Declare His Glory in 2019