TONIGHT – Everyone is invited to our Mid-Week Gathering this evening at CLBC. AWANA & Teen Zone will meet at 6:45. The Adults will gather in the auditorium at 7:00 as we continue our study of the ” I AM’S” of Jesus.

MARCH FOR MISSIONS – During the month of March we will focus upon Global Missions. Several missionaries will be joining us including Colonel Charles Flesher (Missionary to Military) & Joe Stinson (Canada). Pray for God’s blessings upon this special month.

APPRECIATION LUNCHEON – This Sunday following the Morning Worship Service their will be an special Lunch for all Youth & Children’s workers.

PRAYER REQUEST’S – Prayers are needed for Rob Walker who is in Hospice Care at Thomas Hospital. Continue to pray for his wife Kristina & 4 young children at this difficult time.

Please pray for others with medical needs including Cal Bailey (pneumonia), Virginia Cadd, Gail Fisher (Cancer), Ann Niedlinger, and several others listed in the Prayer Bulletin.

Pray for the Lord to bless CLBC & our ministries including CLCS & Bright Beginnings. Pray for wisdom & direction for decisions. Pray for God’s presence & power as we gather together.

Pray for our Nation, President & all who serve us in Government. Pray for protection from the Coronavirus & healing for those around the world who have contacted it.