
This evening AWANA  & Youth Group will meet at 6:45. This will be the last Wed evening these groups meet until January 4th, 2017. The Adults will meet at 7:00 PM as we conclude our study entitled “Twelve Men who Changed the World.”



This Sunday we will Celebrate Christmas at CLBC in several special ways:

**10:15 AM – The Adult Choir will be presenting a Christmas Concert APPALACHIAN WINTER during the morning Worship Service.

**6:00 PM – We will continue our Worship of Christ with a beautiful Candlelight Communion Service.

**Other ministries on Sunday include Sun School at 9:00 AM & a concert by our Choir at the Charleston Town Center Mall at 3:00 PM.


Other Events this Week

**Thurs – The Histimers will have a Fellowship @ the Johnson’s, The bus will leave the Church parking lot at 6:00 PM.

**Sat – The Union Mission Food Distribution. Breakfast will be served at 8:00 AM for all workers, followed by the Service at 9:00 AM & the Distribution around 9:45 AM.

**Sat – The Youth Group will have a Christmas party @ the Willises. Transportation will be provided from the Church Parking lot at 5:30 PM,


Christmas Offering

Our 2016 Christmas Offering will go toward Global Missions. It is through this Offering that we are able to keep our regular Missionary support at 100% during the year. At this point we still need to raise $16,500 to meet our goal of $20,000 by December 31st. Would you please Pray about this need & come prepared to give a generous gift this Sunday? Thank you!


Prayer Needs

Please take note of the many listed in our Sun & Wed Prayer Bulletins. The list includes Beth Buckley (stroke), Bert Flanigan, Allison Efaw, Donna Legg (cancer), Roger nancarrow (heart), Arnold Shamblin, Ann Neidlinger, Nancy Young (health concerns) and several others. Pray for our Missionaries serving Christ around the world. Pray for the military, police, firefighters & all those who help protect us.


Embrace the Cross in 2016