Special Worship Service

Tomorrow morning at 10:15 AM a very special Worship Service will take place at CLBC. The High School Choir from Cross Lanes Christian School will be singing for us. You won’t want to miss out on hearing them. There will also be a Baptism in the service. The morning message is entitled “Tearing off the Roof” & is taken from a fascinating story in the Gospels. During the 6:00 Evening Service we will continue our study from Hebrews 11 on Faith. Sun School will be at 9:00 AM & Choir practice at 4:45 PM.


Friend Day is next Sunday

FRIEND DAY 2016 is only a week away! Who are you bringing as your guest? There’s still time to invite Friends & Family, but do it quickly before it’s to late. Next Sunday during the 10:15 AM Worship Service we will be honoring our guests & sharing a clear & loving Gospel presentation with them. Following the service there will be a delicious meal served free to the entire Church Family & our Friends who attend with us. Don’t Delay…….PRAY…..ATTEND…..BRING A FRIEND……TO FRIEND DAY 2016!!!


Prayer Requests

Pray for Virginia Cadd who’s brother died this past week in Ohio. Pray for the family of Mike Oldham who died this week of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. Pray for the many on our Prayer List with medical needs including Kelli Myers (kidney), Becky Rice (eyes), Ruth Baily (health), Ann Neidlinger (health), Nancy Young (health), Jim Carr (health) and others. Pray for America during this election period. Pray for Revival in our Land!