CLCS Choir Singing in AM Service

Tomorrow morning we will be treated to something special at CLBC! The Cross Lanes Christian High School Choir will be singing several special numbers for us. Come & invite others to visit as your guests at the 10:15 AM Worship Service. There will also be Sun School & Adult Bible Fellowships at 9:00 AM & Communion as part of our Evening Service at 6:00 PM. The Choir will practice at 4:45 PM. See you tomorrow at Cross Lanes Bible Church!


Calling All Men & Boys

Tickets for the Men’s Missions Breakfast are on sale. The Breakfast will be held at Golden Corral on Sat, March 10th. The cost is $8 for men & $5 for boys (12 & under). Come & enjoy good food & fellowship & also to learn more about Global Missions.