Community Outreach

Tonight is Crazy Hat & Socks Night at CLBC. This event is sponsored by our AWANA club & is a special evening for the children of our Church & Community. The event begins at 6:30 & will feature games, inflatables, candy & lots of fun! There will not be an Adult Bible Study tonight so we can help the AWANA & Youth workers with this special event. Bring your kids, Grandkids & children from your neighborhood to Crazy Hat & Sock Night!

Thank You

Last Sunday we had a wonderful Friend Day at CLBC. A special thanks to everyone who invited their friends, participated in the service & helped with the delicious lunch. Let’s continue to invite our friends to Church in order to hear the Gospel & to grow in God’s Word!

This Sunday

Join us at CLBC as we continue our study of the life & ministry of Elijah during the 10:15 AM Worship Service. We will also have Sun School at 9:00 AM & Evening Service at 6:00 PM.


Please continue to pray for your Church as we reach out to visitors from Friend Day & seek to make Disciples in 2016. Pray for Pat Johnson, Ann Neidlinger, Nancy Young, Becky Rice & others listed in the Prayer Bulletin with physical needs. Pray for revival in America.

Don’t Forget to “FALL BACK” one hour this Saturday night before you go to bed!