Blizzard of 2016

I trust everyone survived the snowstorm over the weekend. In calling around & checking up on people it seems that everyone from CLBC came through the weekend OK. Now the difficult task of plowing, shoveling & getting CLBC, CLCS & Bright Beginnings back up & running again. Tomorrow CLCS & BB preschool have cancelled classes, but we hope to have our mid week service & ministries at Church like we normally do. We will get a Phone message out tomorrow to let you know what is or isn’t taking place Wednesday night at Cross Lanes Bible Church.


People continue to have needs which demand our prayers. Pray for Dana Craigo’s father, Charlie Freeman, who has serious physical needs in Georgia. Pray that Dana will be able to go to see him soon. Pray for Jeanne Clark & Wayne Whittington who are at home recovering from recent surgeries. Pray for Tamra Branks (MI), Pat Johnson, Holly Nordaas (FL), Ann Neidlinger, Nancy Young & others listed in your prayer bulletin who have health concerns. Please pray that the Lord would bless & supply for CLBC as we seek to “Embrace the Cross in 2016!”


The Histimers fellowship scheduled for this Thursday evening (Jan 28th) has been postponed. The film – War Room will be shown at a later date.

This coming Sunday Dr Charles Petitt, President of Piedmont International University will be our guest preacher at 9:00 AM, 10:15 AM & 6:00 PM.

On Sunday, Feb 7th the Deacons & their wives will be hosting a delicious Chili Luncheon for all  Church attenders & guests immediately following the Morning Worship Service. The Lunch is absolutely free. You won’t want to miss the good food & fellowship!