Set your Clocks back tonight

Enjoy an extra hour of sleep & come to Sunday School (9:00 AM) & Church (10:15 AM) rested & ready to Worship the Lord & study His Word. Be sure to turn your clocks back 1 hour before going to bed tonight so we are all on the same schedule.  In the Morning Worship hour we will be preaching from John 21 with a message entitled “Life’s Turning Points: Turning Failure into fruitfulness.”  Come & be blessed tomorrow at Cross Lanes Bible Church!


Deacon Flocks

Tomorrow is also Deacon Flock Sunday. I hope everyone will be involved & attend a Flock Gathering. Here is the schedule:

**Mark Clark – Meet at the Rice Bowl after the AM Service.

**Doug Craigo – Meet at his home (5447 Longview dr, Cross Lanes) after the AM service

**Carlin Kendrick & Dale Nichols – Meet at Dale’s house (104 Oakland dr, Cross Lanes) after the AM service

**Ivan Gillispie – meet at his house (384 Spruce Lane, Poca) at 6:00 PM.

Since the Flocks will be gathering tomorrow there will not be an Evening Service tomorrow.


Prayer Needs

Please pray for God’s blessing upon our Church as we gather tomorrow in the name of Jesus! Pray for those with medical needs including Darrell Ballard (cancer), Bill Goodell (cancer), Jerry Lewis (health), Jean Mclane (health), Ken McGrath (hip), Sue Whittington (knee surgery), Ann Neidlinger (health) & others listed in your Prayer Bulletin.

Pray for the Mid Term election this Tuesday. Make your voice heard by casting your Vote for the candidates & proposals that best represent your Biblical Values. Voting YES on Amendment 1 will help stop the taxpayer funding of Abortion in West Virginia.

Praise that Gary & Ann Laynes grandson, Lance, does not have Juvenile Arthritis. Pray that the Doctor’s can soon figure out exactly what the diagnosis is so he can be treated effectively. He is feeling better than he was & the family is praising God for this improvement.