Three Great Nights!

The Fresh Growth Conference with the Everson family begins tonight at 7:00 PM & will continue on Tuesday & Wednesday Evenings. Each service will conclude by 8:15. Come as you are & enjoy wonderful music, practical preaching & great encouragement for your Soul.There is no charge for this conference, but a Love Offering for the Everson family will be taken each evening.


Everson Family Concert

Tuesday evening will be a full Concert by the Everson family. YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS IT!!!  The Eversons use a great variety of music in this Concert & It is all done with Excellence. Don’t just attend this concert, but bring someone with you.


Spaghetti Dinner

Everyone is invited to a delicious SPAGHETTI DINNER this Tuesday at 5:30 PM just prior to the Everson Concert at 7:00 PM. The meal is absolutely free. Come & enjoy great food & fellowship before the musical feast at the Concert.


Friend Day 2018

What a Friend Day! Even without any electricity or heat we had a remarkable Friend Day Service. Thanks to everyone who came & brought others with you. Inspite of the last minute changes because of the power outage, the Lord gave us a truely memorable experience as a Church. The music provided by the Everson family & the CLCS Warrior Choir was incredible & the message by Ben was clear & thought provoking. Praise God for His abundant blessing even in a humanly trying situation!