Friend Day 2017 is only 5 days away! Who are you bringing with you to our Friend Day Celebration this Sunday at CLBC? During the 10:15 Worship Hour we will be recognizing & honoring all of our special Friend Day guests & I will be preaching a message that will clearly & lovingly tell the Gospel Story to everyone who attends. After the Service everyone is invited to stay for a delicious Luncheon absolutely free of charge. Please pray much about our Friend Day Service & continue to invite Friends, Family, Neighbors, Co-Workers & others to come with you as your Friend this Sunday Morning, Oct 22nd!

FRIEND DAY BLITZ – This Sat at 9:30 AM some of us will be handing out Fliers & inviting people to Friend Day. Join us at the Church if you can help. We plan to do this for about 1 hour.


Wed Evening

Join us tomorrow for Bible teaching, Prayer & Ministry at CLBC. AWANA will be meeting at 6:45 in Fellowship Hall. The Youth Group will meet at 6:00 to go to the CORN MAIZE. The adults will meet in the Auditorium at 7:00 to contine our Bible Study entitled: Written in Stone: The 10 Commandments. Also, the CLCS School Board will meet for a brief meeting at 6:15 PM & the Adult Choir will have a special rehearsal at 8:15.


Ark Encounter

Don’t forget, if you are signed up to go with us to the ARK ENCOUNTER on Thursday that the Bus will leave the Church Parking Lot at 6:30 AM.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for FRIEND DAY, The Exchange Seminar & for the many listed in our Prayer Bulletin. Those listed include Beth Buckley, Jeanne Buckley, Jim Carr, Julie Hamilton, Karen Higginbotham, Nancy Jobb, Courtney Kendrich, Bill Morton, Daniel Mwinzi, Arnold Shamblin, JR & Linda Smith, Ann Niedlinger & others.


Bow the Knee in 2017