Friend Day 2015
It has been a blessing to hear of folks inviting their friends to Church this Sunday for our 2015 FRIEND DAY celebration! It’s not to late for you to bring someone with you. During the 10:15 AM Worship Service all of our guests will be welcomed & honored. The service will also include beautiful music by our own CLBC musicians & a clear & compassionate Gospel message. Following the service everyone is invited to stay for fellowship & to enjoy a delicious lunch. Time is short! Please be busy inviting your family & friends to FRIEND DAY at Cross Lanes Bible Church this Sun, Oct 25th!!
Wed Gathering
Join us tonight at 7:00 for our Adult Bible Study & Prayer Time in the Sanctuary. We are continuing our study of the Names of God. AWANA & Youth Group will meet in Fellowship Hall at 6:45 PM. Next Wed CRAZY HAT & SOCKS NIGHT will be held as an outreach to our community. Adult helpers are needed along with more donations of candy.
Please pray for the following with physical needs: Emogene Craigo (Thomas hospital), Sue Forsbrey (surgery). Ann Neidlinger (health needs), Becky Rice (eyes), Nancy Young (health needs) & others listed in the Bulletin.