Fading Dreams

In the Morning Worship Service at 10:15 tomorrow morning the Message is entitled  “Bow the Knee – Even when your Dreams Fade.” Have you ever had a dream that didn’t come to fruition? Joseph was someone in the Bible who had his dreams dashed over & over again, yet in the end was used by God in an incredible way. Join us for this fascinating story & also to Worship the Lord thru song, prayer, giving & serving one another. Sunday School will be at 9:00 AM, Choir Practice at 4:45 PM & Evening Service at 6:00 PM.


Mark Calendar

Sunday, Feb 27th – Communion during the Morning Worship Service. The CLCS Choir will sing. Missionary Jeff Painter will speak during the Evening Service.

MARCH FOR MISSIONS – During the month of March we will emphasize Missions with several special events & outstanding speakers.

Wed, March 8th – The ABC Concert Chorale will be giving a concert at CLBC

Mon March 13th – Pro-Life Rally at the State Capitol.



Please take time tomorrow to consult your Bulletin & note the many personal prayer requests listed for those sick, shut-in, serving in the military & serving in Law enforcement. Please pray for Jim McLane who is recovering from yesterday’s knee surgery.


Bow the Knee in 2017