Sunday Worship

Sunday is the BEST day of the week for the Believer. Tomorrow we will gather together to Worship the Lord, study His Word, and Minister to & Fellowship with His people. Sunday School begins at 9:00 AM, Worship will follow at 10:15 AM, as we continue our study of the Beatitudes from Matthew 5. During the Evening Service at 6:00 PM we will hear from the Kenya Missions Team. Summer Choir will be at 7:15 PM.


Mark your Calendar

**Wed, Aug 10th (7:00 PM) – AWANA Missionary Jim Alexander will be speaking during the mid-week service. He will be challenging all of us about the wonderful opportunity we have to reach children & families for Christ in the year ahead.

**Sun, Aug 14th (10:15 AM) – Back to School Sunday – Every student will receive a backpack & all school employees will also receive a special gift. A Prayer of dedication for the new school year will also be given.

**Sun, Aug 14th (6:00 PM) – Pastor Andrew will be speaking during the Evening Service. He is the Jamaican Pastor who serves with Cletis Titus in Jamaica. Pastor Andrew & his wife, along with Cletis & Tammy Titus, will be our special guests at CLBC.

**Wed, Aug 17th (6:45 PM) – AWANA begins!

**Sun, Aug 21st (10:15 AM) – Praise Service & Annual Meeting.



Please pray for the following folks: Debbie Barker (knee), Beth Buckley (stroke), Allison Efaw (cancer), Mae Harless (special needs), Jimmy Landers (cancer), Donna Legg (cancer), Marlin Longnecker (health), Ann Neidlinger (health), Nancy Young (health), Janice Tyler (upcoming surgery) and others listed in the Prayer Bulletin. Pray for the staff of Cross Lanes Christian School & Bright Beginnings Pre School as they prepare for the new year with In service training this week.


Embrace the Cross in 2016