
I trust that everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving! Tomorrow is the last Sunday in our ” Season of Thanksgiving” emphasis at CLBC. During the 10:15 Morning Worship Service we will continue to focus upon Gratitude with a message from the Psalms entitled “Giving Thanks for the Presence of God.” Sunday Scool will be at 9:00 AM & the Evening Service at 6:00 PM. There will also be Choir practice at 5:00 PM.


Christmas Offering

Please pray about your part in the Christmas Offering this year. Our goal is to raise $20,000 toward worldwide missions between now & December 31st. Meeting our goal is a necessity if we want to keep the financial support strong for our Missionaries who spread the Gospel all around the Globe.Offering envelopes have been places around the Church for your convenience. You can also give Online if you desire at www.crosslanesbible.org.



Please pray for our nation & the new Administration as they take office in January. Pray for revival in our Land. Pray for those listed in our Prayer Bulletin with special needs. (An updated Prayer sheet can be found in tomorrow’s Bulletin) .Pray for the Lord’s blessing upon Cross Lanes Bible Church as we enter the Christmas Season & look ahead to a brand new year soon.


Embrace the Cross in 2016