
Awana & Youth Group will meet in Fellowship Hall at 6:45. The Adults will meet at 7:00 PM. We will be studying the OT story of Ruth. There will also be a brief Missions Committee meeting at 8:15.

Pasta Luncheon

This Sunday, immediately following the morning Worship service, the Deacons will be sponsoring a delicious Pasta Lunch for the entire Church. Please come out & enjoy a great meal of Spaghetti & meatballs, rolls, drinks & dessert absolutely free & also sweet fellowship together with your Church family! Our Deacons & wives are working hard to make this a special gathering for our Church family. See you Sunday!

Special February Events

In addition to our normal services & ministries here are a couple special events to look forward to in February.

**Sunday, February 8th – DISPATCHES FROM THE FRONT: THE DAY OF BATTLE will be shown during our Evening Service. (6:00 PM) This is episode #7 in the award winning DVD Series by Tim Keesee of Frontline Missions International. Copies of the new book “Dispatches from the Front” will also be available to purchase that evening.

**Sunday, February 22nd – Dr Brent Belford will be speaking at 9:00 AM & 10:15 AM. Dr Belford is the Provost at Central Seminary & Pastor of Ministerial training at Fourth Baptist Church of Minneapolis, MN. He served as Youth Pastor here at CLBC from 1999 to 2002.


This year, instead of holding a traditional Sun – Wed Missions Conference, we will be devoting an an entire month to the emphasis of Missions & Missionaries. Some of the speakers we will hear from during the month of March include Tim Keesee, Pink & Selena Davis, Bill & Tamra Branks, Joe & Kerri Stinson & others. I am excited about MARCH FOR MISSIONS 2015! Watch this Sundays Bulletin for more details.


Please continue to pray for John & Nancy Cale & their family. Their Great Grandson, RJ Hollifield, died yesterday in NC.  Arrangements are still in the process of being made. This is a tough time for the parents, Grandparents, Great Grandparents & everyone else who loved little RJ.