New Preaching Series

Tomorrow morning during our Worship Service at 10:15 we will begin a new Preaching Series for the Summer entitled “Happiness Is.” In this series we will examine together how Jesus defined genuine Happiness in the Beatitudes. The radical message of Jesus cut against the grain of societal thinking in the 1st century & it does in our modern culture also. Join us as we worship the Lord & honor His Word at CLBC!

Tomorrow Evening at 6:00 PM we will watch the newest episode of the “Dispatches from the Front” DVD series. This episode is entitled “Every Tribe” and focuses upon the Gospel Advance in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Our own Missionary JD Crowley is featured in this powerful video.

Sunday School & Adult Bible Fellowships will be held at 9:00 AM.



Please Pray for Josh Blake’s family. Josh’s grandmother went to be with the Lord this past week. Pray for the following with physical needs – Debbie Barker (surgery recovery), Renee Bennett (surgery recovery). Allison Efaw (cancer), Rion Foster (cancer), Becky Rice (eyes), Ann Neidlinger (health), Nancy Young (health) and others listed in the Bulletin. Pray for our Missionaries of the week, Walt & Linda Robinson, serving in Carriacou & our Care Ministry person of the week Mary Burnett.

Please pray about our General Fund shortfall (-$15,500) & Missions shortfall (-$5,500) as we approach the end of our Fiscal year. God is willing & able to meet our needs, but we must pray & give sacrificially!


“Call upon Me & I will answer you & show you great & mighty things……..” (Jer 33:3)