Fathers Day Celebration

Tomorrow we honor all Dad’s during our Morning Worship Service at 10:15. Every Father who attends the service will receive a FREE Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner EXTRA VALUE MEAL Card from MacDonald’s! Also, three very fortunate Dad’s will win other prizes during our Father’s Day contest. The Sermon will also focus on the theme of Godly Fathers. Sunday School will be held at 9:00 AM, but there won’t be a Sunday Evening service. Everyone will want to be at Cross Lanes Bible Church tomorrow – especially Dad!



Please pray for Me!  Yesterday I had to have unexpected Laser surgery on my right eye due to a torn retina. After checking my left eye it was discovered that I have a torn retina in that eye also & will need to have Laser surgery next week to repair those tears. I appreciate your prayers for full healing!

Pray for others at CLBC with health needs – Renee Bennett (knee), Debbie Barker (knee), Allison Efaw (cancer), Becky Rice (eyes), Ann Neidlinger (health), Nancy Young (health) and others listed in the Prayer Bulletin.

Pray for our Giving to the General Fund & Missions Fund as we come to the end of the Fiscal year on July 31st.

Please pray for the families of those killed last week in the Terrorist attack in Orlando. Pray for the Lord to protect our Nation & give us a Revival in our Land.


Don’t Miss FATHERS DAY at Cross Lanes Bible Church!!!