Honoring Mom

Tomorrow is a special day at CLBC!  On Mother’s day we will seek to honor all women, especially Mom’s during our Worship Service at 10:15 AM. Every woman who comes to the service will receive a nice gift & 3 fortunate Mother’s will receive a very special gift. The sermon will be a challenge for not only Mother’s, but for all of us. Join us for this special Service on Mother’s Day 2017. Sunday School & adult small groups will meet at 9:00 AM. There will not be an Evening Service or choir practice tomorrow.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for the following: Ashley Boggess (pregnancy issues), Elliet (Kindergarten student at CLCS recovering from surgery), Katie Cobb (cancer), Shirley Corbin (surgery recovery), Mark Higgonbotham’s Mother (heart), Val McNiel’s nephew Cameron, Ann Niedlinger & Nancy Young (health concerns), Sue Whittington’s family with cancer- Jimmy Landers, Rose Landers & Donna Legg. Pray for the US military & all police, Firefighters & First responders. Pray that we will meet our Giving Goals as we close out the Fiscal year on July 31st.


Bow the Knee in 2017