Looking Back
As we sit on the cusp of a brand new year I wanted to express my gratitude to the wonderful family of God at Cross Lanes Bible Church. This past year the Lord has blessed our Church in many ways & it has all been because of God’s grace & the faithfulness of His people. Thank you for your support & encouragement! Thank you for your Prayers! Thank you for giving of your time & talents & treasure to send the Gospel forth from Cross Lanes to the ends of the earth! God is Good & He has used you to bless your Pastor in 2014. Thank you!
Looking Ahead
May the Lord bless CLBC & may He bless you & your family with a healthy & prosperous New Year! My prayer is that we will be faithful & that God will help us to be fruitful in 2015!
Christmas Offering
Our 2014 Christmas Offering stands at $12,665. If you would still like to give in this calender year you must do so by tomorrow. Please stop by the Church office to drop off your gift (if office closed drop your envelope in the box outside the office door & it will be collected), mail your gift postmarked by Dec 31st, or give Online by going to our Church Website at www.crosslanesbible.org. Thank you for Giving to God through CLBC!