Thanksgiving Greeting

I would like to wish our entire Cross Lanes Bible Church Family a very Happy Thanksgiving! Jeanne & I are grateful to the Lord for your Prayers, Friendship & Encouragement throughout the year. May you have a blessed & peaceful time with Family & Friends. Enjoy food & fellowship & the giving of Thanks to the Lord together!

Psalm 92:1 – “It is a good to give Thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to your name, O Most High!”


Thanksgiving Family Service

Let’s continue our Praise to God by joining together for a Family Thanksgiving Service this evening at 7:00 in the Auditorium. This will be a simple, yet special service as we sing songs of Thanksgiving, read Bible passages of Thanksgiving & share testimonies of Praise & Thanksgiving together. There will not be AWANA or Youth Group this evening & no events will be held at CLBC tomorrow evening.


Season of Thanksgiving continues this Sunday

Our “Season of Thanksgiving” will conclude this Sunday at CLBC. Sun School will be at 9:00 AM, Worship at 10:15 AM, Choir Practice at 4:30 PM & Evening Service at 6:00 PM. During the Morning Service we will be exploring Psalm 121 with a message entitled “Giving Thanks for the Presence of God.” Join us for a wonderful Lord’s Day & be sure to bring guests visiting for the weekend with you.


Thanksgiving & Prayer

The Lord has answered so many prayers for us over the past year at CLBC. A recent answer to prayer was the provision of a car for Chris Gardner, our student youth director from ABC, who is ministering to our Teens this year. At this special season there are still so many who need our prayers. Please pray for the many listed in your Prayer Bulletin including Beth Buckley (stroke), Katie Cobb, Allison Efaw, Jimmy Landers, Rose Landers, Donna Legg & John Shaloub who are all battling cancer, Becky Rice (eyes), Casey Stribling (shoulder), Ann Neidlinger & Nancy Young (health). Pray for those on our Care Minisry list including June Beverly, Jim Carr, Lillie Dudley, Hilda Jividen, Edna Monday & Victor Wise. I would appreciate your continued prayer for healing for my eyes. Also remember to pray for the new Administration in Washington & our Troops stationed around the Globe.


Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart!      Happy Thanksgiving!