Friend Day 2015

Friend Day is a week from this Sunday! Please invite Friends & Family to this special day on Oct 25th. During our Friend Day celebration, in the morning Worship Service at 10:15, we will honor all of our guests, enjoy beautiful music & hear a clear & compassionate Gospel message. Immediately following the Friend Day Service everyone is invited to a delicious lunch which will be served in Fellowship Hall. Please be much in prayer for Friend Day 2015!


There will be something for the entire family this evening at CLBC!  AWANA & Youth Group starts at 6:45. Adult Bible Study & Prayer begins at 7:00 in the Sanctuary. We are continuing our study on the Names of God. The CLCS School Board will meet at 8:15 PM.

New Youth Director

It has been a blessing to have our new Youth Director serving our Teens the last 2 weeks. Chris Gardner is a student at ABC in Beckley. He is from upstate New York & has much experience in working with young people & leading youth groups. Although he is a full time student he will be driving here from Beckley on weekends & Wednesdays to minister in our youth group. This school year he will be teaching our teens God’s Word, planning youth activities & investing into the lives of our teens. Please pray for Chris as he leads our youth group at CLBC!

Prayer Requests

Please pray for your Church & it’s many ministries including Cross Lanes Christian School & Bright Beginnings Pre-School. Continue to pray for those with physical needs in our congregation including Pat Johnson (chemo), Ann Neidlinger (health concerns), Becky Rice (eyes), Nancy Young (health concerns) and others listed in your Bulletin.

Come……Attend…..Invite A Friend……To Friend Day……At Cross Lanes Bible Church!!!