Wed Evening Events

Awana & Teen meeting will be held tonight at 6:45 in Fellowship Hall. Adults will meet in the auditorium at 7:00 PM to study the name “ADONAI” in the Names of God Bible Study. See you then!


Please continue to pray for Ariel Baldwin, Rob & Jennifer Petry’s neice who is still battling encephalitis at the Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. Pray for God to bring healing to her very sick young body.

Pray for others with physical needs including Pat Johnson (chemo), Ann Niedlinger (health concerns), Nancy Young (health concerns), Becky Rice (corneal problems) & others on the prayer sheet.

Events this week

Jolly Seniors will be held tomorrow, Sept 10th, at the CLCS gym

The Histimers will be taking a Salt Works tour on Fri, Sept 11th. Meet at the Church at 11:00 AM.